Haller Group | Data-Driven Nonlinear Dynamics

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We develop mathematical and numerical methods for identifying, analyzing, controlling and predicting complex, nonlinear dynamical systems in nature and engineering. Our approach combines applied mathematics, dynamical systems theory, data science and numerical methods to produce algorithms directly applicable to experimental and numerical data sets. Areas of current interest include system identificaion and model reduction for nonlinear structural dynamics; reduced modeling and control of soft robots; reduced modeling and control of fluid-structure interactions and transition to turbulence; and the identification of coherent structures in fluids and plasmas.

Latest News

October 1, 2024

Alice Marraffa, a recent graduate from ETH Zurich and University of Zurich joins our group as a PhD student.
Welcome to the team, Alice!
[Meet the team]

Alice Marraffa

September 1, 2024

Congratulations to Joar Axås on defending his Ph.D. thesis and his new position as Systems & Control Engineer at Verity.

August 1, 2024

Giacomo Abbasciano, a recent graduate from Politecnico di Milano joins our group as a PhD student.
Welcome to the team, Giacomo!
[Meet the team]

Giacomo Abbasciano

July 29, 2024

Congratulations to Roshan S. Kaundinya for placing 2nd in the competition for the 2024 ENOC Young Investigator Award with his presentation on "Adiabatic spectral submanifolds in data-driven modeling and control".

ENOC Young Investigator Award 2024

May 30, 2024

Congratulations to our former group member Thomas Breunung for his appointment as Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison!
[News Page, University of Wisconsin]

Thomas Breunung Wisconsin

May 6, 2024

Our new article on the fast computation and characterization of forced response surfaces via spectral submanifolds has been classified as Editor’s Choice in Nonlinear Dynamics.
[Full article NODY]

Editor's Choice Nonlinear Dynamics

March 12, 2024

Dedicated Focus on Fluids article by leading expert, Peter Schmid, reviews recent work by Bálint Kaszás on reduced-order modeling of transition to turbulence.
[Full article JFM]

Bálint Kaszás

September 19, 2023

George Haller receives the 2023 Stanley Corrsin Award of the American Physical Society (APS).
[View article APS]

2023 Stanley Corrsin Award

August 11, 2023

George Haller has been invited to give a plenary lecture at the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM).
[Annual Meeting]

Plenary lecture SIAM 2023

June 25, 2023

Mingwu Li and George Haller receive the Best Paper Award at NODYCON 2023 for their paper "Nonlinear analysis of forced mechanical systems with internal resonance using spectral submanifolds. Part II: Bifurcation and quasi-periodic response", Published in Nonlinear Dynamics Vol. 110, 1045–1080 (2022). Congratulations!
[View Paper]

Best Paper Award

June 8, 2023

George Haller invited to serve a six year term on the European Nonlinear Oscillations Conference (ENOC) Committee of the European Mechanics Society.

ENOC Commitee

Mai 1, 2023

Aihui Liu, a recent graduate from ETH Zürich joins our group as a PhD student.
Welcome to the team, Aihui!
[Meet the team]

New Member Haller 2023

April 15, 2023

George Haller’s new book on Transport Barriers and Coherent Structures (Cambridge University Press) is now available in both print and e-book format.
[Book on www.cambridge.org]

book transport barriers

April 13, 2023

Congratulations to Mingwu Li for receiving the best oral presentation award for a mini tutorial on SSMTool at the 6th international conference on dynamics, vibration and control in Shanghai!

best oral presentation award Mingwu Li

April 3, 2023

Zhenwei Xu, a recent graduate from ETH Zürich joins our group as a PhD student.
Welcome to the team, Zhenwei!
[Meet the team]

Zhenwei Xu

March 1, 2023

Prof. Daniel Rixen from the Technical University of Munich joins our group as a Visiting Professor.
Welcome to the team, Professor Rixen!
[Meet the team]

Daniel Rixen

January 19, 2023

Congratulations to Mingwu Li on his new position as Tenure-track Assistant Professor at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), China.

December 1, 2022

Congratulations to Mattia Cenedese on his new position as AI & Compliance Model Validation Quantitative Analyst at UBS.

November 22, 2022

Our new article quasi-objective eddy visualization from sparse drifter data has been selected as Editor’s pick in the November issue of Chaos. See also the additional press release and our summary on youtube.
[Press release]

November 18, 2022

Mattia Cenedese receives ETH medal for outstanding doctoral thesis. Congratulations to Mattia!

Mattia Cenedese ETH Medal

November 1, 2022

Alexander Saccani, a recent graduate from the Politecnico di Milano, joins our group as Ph.D. student.
Welcome to the team, Alexander!
[Meet the team]

New Member Haller 2020

September 15, 2022

Leonardo Bettini, a recent graduate from the Politecnico di Milano & Politecnico di Torino, joins our group as Ph.D. student.
Welcome to the team, Leonardo!
[Meet the team]

New Member Haller 2020

September 1, 2022

Ehsan Naghizadeh, a recent graduate from the Middle East Technical University, joins our group as Ph.D. student.
Welcome to the team, Ehsan!
[Meet the team]

New Member Haller 2020

August 26, 2022

Our paper on dynamics-based machine learning of reduced-order models for transitions in Couette flows has just appeared in Physical Review Fluids.

August 15, 2022

Roshan S. Kaundinya, a recent graduate from the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, joins our group as Ph.D. student.
Welcome on board, Roshan!
[Meet the team]

New Member Haller 2020

June 8, 2022

Shobhit Jain, a postdoc in our group, has been appointed as Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) at the Department of Applied Mathematics in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, Delft University of Technology. [Link]
Congratulations, Shobhit!

June 1, 2022

SIAM News publishes our introductory article on dynamics-based machine learning of reduced models from data on its cover page.

May 23, 2022

Paolo Tiso invited to join the editorial board of Scientific Reports of Nature.

April 22, 2022

Nik Aksamit, formerly a postdoc in our group, has been appointed as tenured Associate Professor in Applied Mathematics and Earth System Analysis, UiT The Arctic University of Norway. [Link]
Congratulations, Nik!

March 23, 2022

George Haller invited for a lecture tour at 10 different US universities in the prestigious Midwest Mechanics Seminar series.

George Haller Nonlin Dyn

March 8, 2022

Nature Communications selects our work as a Feature Article in the area of Applied physics and mathematics.

February 28, 2022

Congratulations to Mattia Cenedese for winning the 2021 SWICCOMAS Best Thesis Award.

February 15, 2022

Our dynamics-based machine learning algorithm for nonlinear reduced models from data has just appeared in Nature Communications.

January 20, 2022

SSMLearn our new, open-source Matlab package for data-driven, nonlinear reduced order modeling is now available for download here.

January 13, 2022

Our new Jupyter notebook collection with demos implementing various methods for transport barrier detection is now available for download here.

January 3, 2022

Ghislain Raze, a recent Ph.D. from the University of Liège, joins our group as a visiting research fellow. Welcome on board, Ghislain!
[Meet the team]

December 1, 2021

George Haller elected member of the Advisory Board for the SIAM Activity Group on Dynamical Systems.

November 12, 2021

Nature Communications selects our work as a Feature Article in the area of Catalysis.

October 14, 2021

George Haller elected Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).

George Haller Chaos

October 12, 2021

Our work on uncovering the hidden trap-and-release mechanism that enables a new form of long-chain hydrocarbon synthesis appears in Nature Communications.

George Haller Mattia Serra Nature Communications

July 9, 2021

Congratulations to Mattia Cenedese for winning the 1st prize in the poster competition of the 8th International Conference on Nonlinear Vibrations, Localizattion and Energy Transfer (NNM2021)!

Chaos Editor's Pick Article

July 1, 2021

Our Congratulations to Mattia Cenedese and Stergios Katsanoulis on defending their Ph.D. theses!

Chaos Editor's Pick Article

April 26, 2021

Our quasi-objective, single-trajectory coherent structure detection algorithm has been selected as Featured Article in the April issue of Chaos.

Chaos Editor's Pick Article

February 15, 2021

Pre-release of SSMTool 2.0 is now available for download.
Our significantly upgraded Matlab package now computes exact reduced models, forced response and bifurcations in very high-dimensional mechanical systems, including finite-element models generated by an integrated FEM code. [Link]

SSMtool 2.0 pre-release

February 1, 2021

Ahmed Morsy, a recent graduate from Politecnico di Milano, joins our group as Ph.D. student.
Welcome on board, Ahmed! [Meet the team]

New Member Haller 2020

November 24, 2020

Our new, universal estimate for model-prediction errors has been selected as Editor’s Pick in the November issue of Chaos.

Chaos Editor's Pick Article

November 4, 2020

Alex Pablo Encinas Bartos, a recent graduate from ETH Zürich, joins our group as Ph.D. student.
Welcome on board, Alex! [Meet the team]

New Member Haller 2020

October 1, 2020

Joar Axås, a recent graduate from Chalmers University of Technology, joins our group as Ph.D. student.
Welcome on board, Joar! [Meet the team]

New Member Haller 2020

September 8, 2020

Mingwu Li, a recent Ph.D. from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, joins our group as postdoctoral fellow.
Welcome on board, Mingwu! [Meet the team]

New Member Haller 2020

September 5, 2020

Mattia Serra appointed as Assistant Professor in Physics at the University of California, San Diego.
Mattia Serra, formerly a Ph.D student in our group then postdoc at Harvard, has been appointed as tenure-track Assistant Professor in Physics at UCSD. Congratulations, Mattia! [View]

Mohammad NCSU

August 24, 2020

Scientific American covers the search and rescue algorithm developed in our group.

Scientific American TRAPs

August 17, 2020

Code and data available for our TRAP identification algorithm for search and rescue operations.

Helicopter search-and-rescue

June 12, 2020

US National Science Foundation creates short film on our new search-and-rescue algorithm.

NSF search-and-rescue Haller Serra

June 4, 2020

Congratulations to Thomas Breunung on his Ph.D. defense and on his new postdoctoral position at the University of Maryland, College Park!
[View profile]

Thomas Breunung Serra PD Maryland

May 26, 2020

Our work on optimizing search and rescue at sea using Eulerian coherent structures appears in Nature Communications.

George Haller Mattia Serra Nature Communications

March 31, 2020

George Haller elected Fellow of the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM).

George Haller Chaos

December 18, 2019

George Haller invited to join the editorial advisory board for Chaos.

George Haller Chaos

December 16, 2019

Schmidt Science Foundation creates short film on our former group member, Mattia Serra, and his research.

Mattia Serra Organizing Chaos

October 4, 2019

George Haller invited to join the editorial board of Nonlinear Dynamics as Feature Editor.

George Haller Nonlin Dyn

September, 2019

Book co-edited by Paolo Tiso on Substructuring in Engineeering Dynamics appears.

Paolo Tiso Substructuting Book CISM

September 20, 2019

George Haller has been elected Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS).
View article: [View]

George Haller APS

September 2, 2019

New group members: Morteza Karamooz, Mariella Kast, Bálint Kaszás and Tiemo Pedergnana.
Welcome on board, Morteza, Mariella, Bálint and Tiemo! [Meet the team]

New Members Haller 2019

June 28, 2019

Congratulations to Sten Ponsioen on his Ph.D. defense and new position as Simulation and Analysis Engineer at Red Bull Racing & Technology!
[View profile]

Sten Ponsioen Red Bull Racing

May 20, 2019

Sten Ponsioen wins the SIAM DSWeb 2019 Contest with SSMtool!
Congratulations to Sten for his success in the student category of the SIAM DSWeb 2019 Contest: Tutorials on Dynamical Systems Software.
View contest: [View]
More about SSMTool: [View]

Sten Ponsioen DS Web Contest

May 14, 2019

George Haller has been elected External Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

George Haller HAS

May 13, 2019

Tiemo Pedergnana receives ETH medal for outstanding master thesis
View article: [View]

Tiemo Pedergnana ETH Medal

February 20, 2019

Mohammad Farazmand appointed as Assistant Professor in Mathematics at North Carolina State University
Mohammad Farazmand, formerly a Ph.D student in our group, currently a postdoc at MIT, has been appointed as tenure-track Assistant Professor in Mathematics. Congratulations, Mohammad! [View]

Mohammad NCSU

November 11, 2018

Mattia Serra receives ETH medal for outstanding doctoral thesis
View article: [View]

Mattia Serra ETH Medal

October, 2018

Paolo Tiso invited to join the editorial board of the Journal of Sound and Vibration.

Paolo Tiso JSV

August 3, 2018

APS Focus on our research on invisible traps in pipes
View APS Focus article: [View]

April 24, 2018

Mattia Serra receives the inaugural Schmidt Science fellowship
Congratulations to Mattia on receiving this fellowship!.
View press release in Forbes: [View]
View press release in PR Newswire: [View]
More about the Schmidt Science Fellows: [View]

December 22, 2017

David Oettinger appointed at ELCA.
Congratulations to David on his Ph.D. defense and on his new position at ELCA!.
More about ELCA: [View]

David Oettinger ELCA

October 2, 2017

Mattia Serra appointed as postdoc at Harvard
Congratulations to Mattia on his Ph.D. defense and on his new postdoctoral position at Harvard University! [View]

Mattia Serra ETH Medal

September 4, 2017

New group members: Mattia Cenedese and Stergios Katsanoulis
Welcome on board, Mattia and Stergios! [Meet the team]

New Members Haller 2017

Press Archive

News-walls of water

Publications Archive


Software Archive

Academic Development at nonlinear dynamics